Plenary 1 - Construction QA

To get an overview and status update on Rubin construction please watch the following recordings prior to the Plenary on Monday August 10th, 2020.  During the plenary most of the time will be dedicated to Q&A about the status. 

Ask questions:

  • Slack channel presubmit questions or ask during the meeting
  • Live in the Zoom Webinar using the Q&A feature


Pre-recorded On-Demand Plenary

Steve Kahn Rubin Observatory Overview PCW 2020

This plenary talk, given by Rubin Observatory Construction Project Director Steve Kahn, begins with an overview of the Project, including its organization and schedule. The talk includes comments on the renaming of the Project in December 2019, and on actions recently taken in the area of workplace culture, including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. The presentation also addresses impacts to the Project as a result of recent events, including Covid-19, social unrest in Chile, and race protests in the US.
View Slides

Victor Krabbendam Construction Update PCW 2020 

This plenary talk, given by Rubin Observatory Project Manager Victor Krabbendam, provides an overview of construction progress across all Rubin subsystems over the last 12 months. It includes comments on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the progress made in areas of the project where it has been possible to continue work. Additional topics featured in this presentation include a description of safety activities, a report on activities related to our renaming, and programmatic updates.
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Tony Tyson Impact of Constellations of LEO Satellites on Rubin Observatory and Science

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Live Q&A



Recording of the live webinar for Plenary 1

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Victor Krabbendam
Monday, Aug 10
06:15 HST - 09:15 PT - 12:15 EDT - 18:15 CEST - 02:15 AET +1