The Rubin Observatory Project will host a workshop on the topic of image processing and algorithms for the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation of the algorithmic challenges faced by LSST, and to solicit feedback and ideas as to how these algorithms can best meet the scientific needs of the community. Topics of discussion will include (but are not necessarily limited to): Calibration, Point Spread Function Estimation, Galaxy Photometry, Deblending & Crowded Fields, and Image Differencing. The workshop will include a combination of presentations from the Project on the current status of LSST algorithms and pipelines, with unconference sessions scheduled to encourage open discussion.
Communicate the strategy for further development of LSST image processing algorithms to stakeholders, seek their input to it, and hear any ideas they have about ramifications for science, or other approaches that maybe should be considered.
Ensure that the choice of LSST image processing algorithms reflects the current state of the art.
Demonstrate the current performance of LSST image processing pipelines, based on pre-cursor data, to the community.
Document the LSST algorithmic strategy for image processing, describe what Rubin Observatory expects to deliver by the end of construction, and outline what further improvements should be prioritized during the first few years of operations.
Due to the coronovirus, this workshop will be virtual.
Details will be posted soon
Gary Bernstein (University of Pensylvannia)
Erin Sheldon (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Eugene Magnier (Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii)
Mike Jarvis (University of Pensylvannia)
Konrad kuijken (Leiden Observatory)
Chair: Leanne Guy (AURA/Rubin Observatory)
Co-chair: Colin Slater (UW/Rubin Observatory)
Eric Bellm (UW/Rubin Observatory)
Jim Bosch (Princeton University/Rubin Observatory)
Željko Ivezić (UW/Rubin Observatory)
Robert Lupton (Princeton University/Rubin Observatory)