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Rubin Observatory Project & Community Workshop

7-11, August 2023 - Tucson, Arizona

This year’s Rubin Project and Community Workshop (PCW), the first PCW facilitated by the Rubin Operations team, will take place the week of August 7-11, 2023, at the Marriott University Park in Tucson, AZ. All plenaries, and the breakout sessions in Canyon ABC or Pima, will be virtually accessible for those who cannot attend in person.

Contributing Talks

Although the general abstract deadline for contributing talks has passed, all in-person attendees are welcome to reach out directly to the chairs of topically-relevant breakout sessions and ask if they have time for additional contributed talks in their session. Some virtual talks might be possible in remote-ready rooms Canyon ABC and Pima. Note that some sessions have full agendas already, and not all contributions can be accommodated.

Start and end times may vary by 30 minutes.