Blending Workshop 8 - Closeout for Workshop on Impacts of Blending on LSST Science
Summarize findings on impacts of blending on LSST science and metrics for quantifying impact. Planning for future work -- within and across science collaborations.
Please contact the session organiser (Sarah Brough; if you would like to contribute to this session.
Introduction (10mins)
Small group discussion (5-8 people per group; 30mins) with answers to the questions below captured in slides:
What are the figures of merit and metrics of success in quantifying the impacts of blending?
What tools and data products exist to evaluate these metrics (e.g., simulations, data sets, software frameworks) and what is missing?
What are the requirements on these metrics?
Small groups report back (20mins)
Final open discussion (20mins).
Google doc for scribe notes taken for each session (key findings, next steps, actionable items).
The Google slides in which the small groups captured their discussions and reported back are linked here.