
All times are Pacific Time

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Day 1 Wednesday January 17 2023 (Video 1; Video 2)

Session 1 (9:00-10:00 AM)

9:00-9:30 Introduction to the workshop and the SCOC current topics of discussion (Federica Bianco -  slides)

9:30-10:00 Description of updates in the OpSim simulation and software (Lynne Jones & Peter Yoachim -  slides, starting a slide 31)

Session 2 (10:00-10:45 AM): Presentations from the task forces 

10:00-10:30 Uniformity of Coadds in rolling report (Rachel Mandelbaum and TF members - slides)

10:30-10:45 DDF Task Force introduction (Saurabh Jha - slides)

BREAK 10:45-11:15 AM

Session 3 (11:15-12:00 AM): Throughput updates

11:15-12:00 Review of the impact of updated throughputs and discussion of missing metrics (Lynne Jones & Peter Yoachim - slides, starting a slide 45)

Day 2 Friday January 19, 2023 (video)

Session 1 (9:00-9:30 AM): Presentations from the task forces

9:00-9:30 Milky Way Task Force report (Jay Strader and Rachel Street - slides)

Session 2 (9:30-10:15 AM): Template creation discussion

9:30-10:15 Templates creation discussion (Eric Bellm - slides)

BREAK 10:15-10:45

Session 2 (10:45-12 AM) Community focus (slides)

10:45-12:00 Community Contributions and discussion