Save the Dates: 21 - 22 March 2023
The Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will enable revolutionary scientific research, but require significant computing power, data storage, and software tools for discovery. While the Rubin Data Facilities are designed with these needs in mind, ambitious and creative use of LSST data will be significantly enhanced if we make efficient and innovative use of all available technical resources, including those available through the Rubin In-Kind program.
We invite you to participate in a virtual workshop to continue discussion of computational use cases with Rubin LSST, and to explore how they could be paired with specific In-Kind contributed computing resources (Independent Data Access Centers and Scientific Processing Centers, IDACs and SPCs). The workshop will be held in March 2023 over two half-days. We will highlight example science use cases and computational needs, covering topics such as:
- The output of the community workshop “From Data to Software to Science with the Rubin Observatory LSST", organized by the LSST Interdisciplinary Network for Collaboration and Computing (LINCC) and partners
- Specific use cases in several science areas, including solar system, Milky Way and nearby galaxies, transients and variables, and extragalactic science
- For specific use cases, addressing the data, analysis workflow, software, and hardware needed to support them, including specific needs beyond what is offered through the Rubin Science Platform at the US Data Facility
As an output of the workshop, we will begin to identify natural partnerships between specific IDACs and SPCs and specific use cases and user communities. The workshop will be followed by a closed technical meeting of computing resource providers who will discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by the science use cases developed.
This workshop is aimed at all those involved in the process of turning LSST data to science, particularly those whose needs may require specific computational hardware or software. This workshop is supported by a grant from the Preparing for Astrophysics with LSST Kickstarter Program, which is itself supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation.