Welcome to the Science Advisory Committee for LSST
The Science Advisory Committee (SAC) provides a formal, and two-way, connection to the external science community served by the Rubin Observatory. Comprised of scientists familiar with but external to the Rubin Project, the SAC advises the Rubin Constructions and Operations Directors on both policy questions and technical topics of interest to the Project and the science community. The charge to the SAC, as of December 30, 2022, may be found here.
Members of this committee, together with their institutions and e-mail adresses, are as follows:
- Franz Bauer (U. Catolica de Chile, franz.e.bauer@gmail.com): AGN
- Niel Brandt (PSU; niel@astro.psu.edu): AGN
- Melissa Brucker (Lunar and Planetary Lab, mbrucker@arizona.edu): Solar System
- Márcio Catelan (U. Catolica de Chile, mcatelan@astro.puc.cl): Stars and Stellar Populations
- Will Clarkson (U. Michigan-Dearborn, wiclarks@umich.edu): Milky Way, Star Clusters
- Katrin Heitmann (Argonne National Lab, heitmann@anl.gov): Cosmology
- Henry Hsieh (Planetary Science Institute, hhsieh@psi.edu): Solar System
- Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech, mansi@astro.caltech.edu): Transients
- Charles Liu (AMNH/CUNY Staten Island, cliu@amnh.org): Galaxies and AGN
- Simona Mei (APC/IN2P3, mei@apc.in2p3.fr): Galaxies and Clusters
- Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil (Dartmouth, Burcin.Mutlu-Pakdil@dartmouth.edu): Galaxies and dark matter
- Joshua Simon (Carnegie, jsimon@obs.carnegiescience.edu): Milky Way structure
- Anže Slosar (Brookhaven, anze@bnl.gov): Cosmology, LSS
- Michael Strauss (Princeton, strauss@astro.princeton.edu) - Chair: Galaxies and LSS
- Ashley Villar (Harvard, ashleyvillar@cfa.harvard.edu): supernovae and stellar evolution
Please contact any of the above individuals with questions, advice, or input on any aspect of the Rubin Observatory science effort.
The following are previous members of the SAC:
Timo Anguita, Rachel Bean, Federica Bianco, David Kirkby, Harry Ferguson, Marla Geha, Chris Hirata, Lisa Hunter, Bhuvnesh Jain, Jason Kalirai, Amy Mainzer, Renu Malhotra, Rachel Mandelbaum, Dante Minniti, Ricardo Muñoz, Nelson Padilla, Meg Schwamb, Stephen Smartt, Lucianne Walkowicz, Risa Wechsler, and Michael Wood-Vasey.